Festival 2025 Catering

Don’t feel like doing the washing up?

Too busy attending Arts and Science classes to prepare your own meals?

Camp Wombaroo are offering a Catered food plan covering Breakfast, Morning tea, Lunch, Afternoon tea and Dinner. This service will be provided between Wednesday and Monday inclusive.

All dishes are provided and all washing up is done for you. (however you can bring your own dishes if you wish, but you will need to wash them yourself if you do)

Catering is being offered at a cost of $56 per day for people 12+, $28 for Ages 5-12 and free for under 5.


Eg. you can arrange to be fed only on the Saturday and Sunday if you desire.

Note: Catering cost is for all the meals in one day. The site is not currently offering options for individual meals or a mix of meals such as Lunch/Dinner on one day and breakfast on the next.

Purchasing of Catering options are available as part of the normal booking process