Arts and Sciences

Rowany Festival is full of arts and sciences activities, from classes to competitions, and balls to bardic circles. This schedule is created new every year, when people volunteer to run activities.

New to Festival?

A&S activities are some of the easiest activities at Festival to join in with as a newcomer. Unless stated otherwise in the activity description, just show up at the start of the time slot and join in!

All the main venues have seating available, although you may want to bring your own chair if you’re going to a class at someone’s campsite. For some activities, you may be expected to bring equipment, materials, or a donation to cover printing and materials costs – this will be listed in the activity description.

Some classes may have limited places and require pre-booking. (This will be listed in the activity description.) If you don’t get a place, the teacher may be willing for you to watch and listen, but be prepared for them to say no.

Please check the activity descriptions to see which teachers are comfortable with children and/or teens attending their activities – and remember that children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult.

Want to add something to our list of activities?

You can submit an activity by filling out this form.

Remember it doesn’t have to be a traditional class! We’d love to include a diverse range of activities in our Festival schedule. If you haven’t taught before, check out our ‘FAQ for Teachers’ below.

There are two deadlines for activity submissions. Submit by the 16th of March for a guaranteed spot on the schedule. After that, we will do our best depending on available places. Class submissions will close on the 30th of March, to give us time to finalise, publish, and print the schedule. Any changes after this point will not be included in the schedule or handbook; they will need to be announced by the heralds on site.

Need to get in touch?

If you have questions that aren’t answered here, you can contact our team at

FAQ for Teachers

How many people will I be teaching?

Festival is a big event, so there’s a lot of people there, but there’s also a lot of activities to choose from in any time slot. A&S classes might get anywhere from two to twenty people – but most of them get closer to five.

How long should my class be?

Most Festival A&S classes take a one-hour time slot, but some are only half an hour, and some are longer. Just remember that you’ll probably lose at least five minutes at the beginning waiting for people to arrive, and some people may need to leave straight away at the end so they can get to other things.

Do I have to do any administration?

Not really! Filling out the form gives us all the information we need to do the administrative stuff on your behalf, unless you’re planning to ask for bookings. We’ll send you a few emails after that to get feedback on draft schedules, and that’s it!

Do I need to write a handout?

No! People appreciate having a handout, to help them remember what you talked about, but you don’t have to write one. It’s completely your choice.

Do I need to be an expert?

No. People come to Festival A&S classes to try new skills, as well as to learn more about their areas of interest. If you know something well enough to teach a beginner, you have something valuable to share.

What if I have other obligations?

The A&S schedule runs throughout the event, so there’s a lot of time slots available, and we’ll do our absolute best to meet people’s needs when we make the timetable. If your class can’t clash with certain activities, or you aren’t available certain days and times, just let us know!