Emergency Evacuation

In the unlikely event of disaster, so that everyone can be removed off-site as quickly and safely as possible, an evacuation plan has been devised. Evacuation Controllers will be wearing high visibility vests.

In the event that the site needs to be evacuated the site the following procedure will be followed:

  1. An air horn will sound a series of three long blasts.
  2. All attendants will immediately return to their camp-site if safe to do so.
  3. One small bag of valuables only per person can be taken and then individuals will be told to move to the car park.
  4. Once at the car park, names will be collected by a person wearing a high visibility vest.
  5. Individuals will be asked to move to their cars n an orderly manner.
  6. Once inside a vehicle, all individuals will be expected to follow the directions of the person(s) wearing the high visibility vest to form a column.
  7. All cars will then exit the site  following a pace car (hazard lights will be flashing) to a staging area at Black Springs Rd.


Individuals are requested to:

  • Check out the path between their camp-site and the car park before the need for evacuation.
  • Follow the directions of the stewarding staff and the evacuation coordinators – in this instance the evacuation coordinator is the final arbiter.

Individuals are asked not to

  • Panic
  • Try and pack an entire camp-site
  • Try to re-enter the camp-site after reaching the car park.