Rowany Festival takes the hard work of many people to run successfully. Each year, Stewards step up to take on the challenge. They are ably assisted by others who manage specific facets of the organisation on behalf of the Stewards.
If you see a position vacant that you think you could fill, contact the stewarding team!
Contacts for Rowany Festival 2025 (as at 19 Feb 2025)
Position |
Person |
Contact |
Stewards: | Baron Gilchrist and Duke Rowland | stewards@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Deputy Steward: | Baron Roman Walerian | |
Camp Allocations & Mapping: | rowany.cartographer@gmail.com | |
Merchant Coordinator: | Baron Roman Walerian | merchants@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Rowany Senate Representative: | Alfar of Attica | executive@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Tavern: | Isabella and Torben | tavern@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Bookings: | Mistress Slaine inghean Ui Ruadhain | festivalbookings@lochac.sca.org |
Website & Comms: | webminister@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Travel Liaison: | Countess Beatrice Maria Malatesta | Travel@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Gate and Parking Coordinator: | Master Declan of Drogheda | gate@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Timetable: | Fabia Maxima | timetable@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Herald Coordinator: | Matthijs Tjepke van der Horst | festivalherald@gmail.com |
Arts & Sciences Coordinator: | Thomas Boardmakere | artsandsciences@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Constable: | Semeon Aleksandrovich Dragon | constable@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Chirurgeon and St Johns Liaison: | Mistress Mildryth Thomaswyf | chirurgeon@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Rubbish/Recycling (Team Ibis 2.0): | teamibis@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Marshals | ||
Marshal in Charge: | Lord Galen Wulfric | marshal@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Heavy Marshal: | heavy@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Heavy War Marshal: | war@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Archery Marshal: | archery@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Equestrian Marshal: | equestrian@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Lists: | Anna von der Ron | lists@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Cabin Coordinator: | Ant Blowme of Saint Cloud | bunks@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Youth Coordinator: | Aronbjorn and Gráinne | schola@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Asset Coordinator: | executive@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Transport Coordinator | Torcaill mac leoid mhic Iomhair | shuttle@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Volunteer Coordinator: | ||
Information Tent: | infotent@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Decorations Coordinator: | ||
Dance Coordinator: | dance@festival.lochac.sca.org | |
Set-Up Coordinator: | Vandal Lyncea | sitesetup@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Pack-Up Coordinator: | Vandal Lyncea | sitesetup@festival.lochac.sca.org |
Development Application: | Nicodemus Novello |
Need Further Help?
If you believe there is something the Stewarding Team cannot resolve for you, or if you wish to make a complaint, please email the Seneschal for the Barony of Rowany.