Rowany Festival Executive

Rowany Festival Executive

Please see below for the details of an executive with the purpose of managing the ongoing extra-ordinary requirements of Rowany Festival. This Festival Executive structure was agreed at the 18 January 2016 Rowany Senate Meeting.


• To provide long-term Festival support and planning
• To maintain and develop the necessary skill/knowledge base
• To coordinate the things that are unique to Festival (contracts, Development Approvals, infrastructure, Rural Fire Service Plans etc)
• To act as final authority to approve decisions on certain major aspects (e.g. which days Festival runs to/from; scheduling of certain events; pricing etc);
• To support the Steward by providing a consistent framework and structure
• Not to be directly involved in every step of how Festival is run; that’s the role of the Stewarding Team

Specific Responsibilities and Powers:

• Budget sign-off (including St John’s payment)
• Sets the bid criteria (e.g. submission time, bid structure, previous Festival experience) and recommends a bid to the Rowany Seneschal
• DA, Fire Management Plan, Water Management Plan, Traffic Management Plan, etc and associated payments
• Macro scheduling; days between which Festival runs, scheduling of key events (as defined *below)
• Manage the Festival Infrastructure Fund; sets the amount each year; decide on applications to spend it, and general applications for permanent Festival infrastructure
• Changes to Festival site location; looks at options, and presents best decision to Senate for ratification
• To meet on a consistent schedule, and regularly report to Rowany Senate
• To step in on an emergency basis only if a Festival Steward is no longer able to complete the role
• Maintain a handover document

*Definition of Key events: Fighter Auction (Heavy and Rapier), Heraldic Melee, Market Day, AGM

Rowany Festival Executive Positions:

• Chair: Rowany Seneschal (participates BUT tie-breaker vote only) – Elena
• Rowany Baronage – Juliana and ibn Jelal
• Rowany Reeve – Unnr Auðunardóttir
• Wombaroo Liaison – Alfar of Attica
• Council/State Liaison – Nico Nicodemus
• External Group/Hire Liaison – VACANT
• Lochac Populace Liaison – Skarp-Heðin Sverðvarpnir

Duration: Commit to a minimum of 4 years; recommend not more than 6. For the Liaisons, deputies should start at about the officer’s 3-4 year mark; participate but don’t vote. Objective: 1 year overlap. Liaison positions would be filled by calling for applicants, as per current officer procedures, with the other exec officers and Senate advising the Rowany Seneschal on the potential applicants.

Other positions:

• Current Steward team –  Rowland/Gilchrist (team gets 1 vote only)
• Past Year Steward – Beatrice/Dytryk (team gets 1 vote only)

If you have any questions or would like to join the Festival Executive, please email


Are people who live outside Rowany permitted to be involved?

  • Yes, any one can apply. That said, some roles need closer physical proximity than others (especially the Wombaroo Liaison).